Invest in Extra Security

We use “Security by Obscurity”

Our ecommerce solution is via PayPal which is arguably one of the top 3rd party shopping cart vehicles for making credit card transactions.  In fact, if you want to make a donation to, they too use the same company.

Nevertheless, for an additional cost, we can purchase services that bring extra security to our site. There are several services available that look for changes and known vulnerabilities in our site on a regular basis.

There is a solution that identifies malware links and security gaps on our website that could let a hacker steal information, vandalize our site or infect our members.

Purchasing an SSL certificate lets us log in and use our “Members Only” page over https. This protects your password and admin session from eavesdroppers on our network.

This is just one example of how your 7th Tradition is so valuable.  We want to continue to provide the VERY BEST online experience for Sex Addicts.  Obviously, there is an enormous amount of shame that comes with the territory.  Many of us are stuck in denial and are hiding our disease from others.  We are essentially wearing a mask pretending to live two separate lives.  When in fact, we are killing ourselves.

Break out of this “ball and chain”.  The more you give, the more you will get back.  Visit Paypal to make a donation today.
