Group Scripts

Many groups have customized their very own “Meeting Scripts” to suit their needs.

The SAPhoneMeeting website allows for one central, user-friendly stop for newcomers and members of Sexaholics Anonymous to get a copy of the meeting format.  Since there are multiple Daily Sobriety Renewals with variations in the questions, it is helpful to get a list of the questions pertaining to that specific teleconference call.  Most of the meetings follow the suggested “White Book” format found in the appendix and is included on the main menu.

Please read FAQs and about Mute Feature

*** Most up-to-date custom group scripts are available individually from the above menu ***

We currently have a total of nine (9) custom scripts that have been approved by each “Group Conscience”.  Click here to download ALL of them.  They are arranged in chronological order (EST).  However, there are some changes that have not been applied to this file***


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