As most people know, Sex Addiction does not go away after a meeting. Hopefully, you have learned how to stay sober between meetings, one hour at a time, one day at a time.
“I’m still a sexaholic; my programming still makes me want to turn my head at anything that looks interesting and take a “drink.” Part of me still thinks it will die if I don’t. But one day at a time, one encounter at a time, one glance at a time, one thought or memory at a time, I don’t have to act on those impulses. I don’t have to drink it in.” (WB pg. 24)
If you are new, it is helpful to have an accountability list of members to call. However, often you may get an answering machine or they are not available.
If you are interested in joining us for SA audio speaker recordings, please send an email to
Thus, we have a suggestion: try our new “beta speaker jam”. Throughout the day, we will announce times when the broadcast is being played (typically during off times when there is no regularly scheduled SAPhoneMeeting to attend).
Dial-in: 1-712-432-3011
Conference code: 174-189