Phone: 712-770-4010
Access code: 965-990#
Group: Keep in touch with the people that matter the most. With group chats, you can share messages, photos, and videos. Download
The “Noon Group” is always looking for trusted servants to help secretary meetings and other service responsibilities. If you are interested, please send an email to
For protected “group conscience” related business, click here. We meet every day @ 12:00 PM ET and have a regular group conscience meeting on the last Wednesday of the month. Read more
Group Conscience – Sample Agenda
- Opening: Serenity Prayer
Member role call
Reminder: Motion, 2nd, Discuss, Vote, Amend - Chairperson Report:
Read minutes from last business meeting: Attendees & Duration
Review secretaries and vacancies for 7 days/week. - Old Business
- New Business
- Motion to adjourn?
Closing Prayer
Group Conscience Secretary – Responsible for organizing and running the monthly business meeting. This includes the preparation of a meeting agenda, taking attendance during the meeting, and keeping minutes. The Group Conscience Secretary is also responsible for maintaining the group call list and communicating group-related information to all meeting secretaries.
Mailbox Administrator – Responsible for receiving and replying to all group mail coming to the group e-mail account. Also responsible for distributing meeting notices, agendas, and minutes.
VIG Representative – Responsible for attending the monthly Virtual Intergroup meetings, reporting to the VIG on the activities of the noon meeting, discussing any concerns the noon meeting has with the VIG, and reporting back to the noon meeting the business of the VIG.
Meeting Secretary – Responsible for starting and facilitating daily SA meeting. This includes following the script to ensure readings are conference-approved, taking attendance, and organizing sharing opportunities for group meetings. Also responsible for ensuring meeting adheres to the 12 Traditions of SA (more details below).
Secretaries for the Weekly Calls (Monday through Sunday):
- Secretaries should ideally have 90+ days of sobriety. This requirement is waived if no secretaries with 90+ days are available.
- Passcodes for the moderator line are only shared with secretaries with 90+ days of sobriety. Once a secretary reaches 90+ days of sobriety and wants the moderator codes, the code should be obtained from the group conscience secretary and not from other members who have the code.
- Secretaries generally have a term of xxxx. A new secretary should be sought once this length of service is received.
- Secretaries should make the commitment to be on weekly calls they are designated to chair. They should start the call on-time and stay on for the duration of the call. It is understood that conflicts occasionally arise that make this difficult. If a conflict is arising regularly, the secretary should offer to step down for a secretary that is likely to have less conflicts. If a Secretary is aware they cannot facilitate a call, they should email the other Secretaries and Alternates, seeking coverage.
- Secretaries should facilitate in a service-oriented fashion. They should not dominate the conversation or sway from the call script. Secretaries should generally let others share before they share on a personal level. Secretaries should try to limit giving their opinion on matters.
- Secretaries should attend the monthly Group Conscience meeting.
Group Conscience Secretary Expectations:
- The Group Conscience Secretary should ideally have at least 1 year of sobriety, but will have a minimum of 90 days sobriety. This requirement is waived if no secretary with this length of sobriety is available.
- The term for Group Conscience Secretary is one year. A new Group Secretary should be sought to take over the position after this period of time has elapsed.
- Group Conscience Secretary agrees not share the group distribution list or the email box password with anyone beside the designated back-up.
- Group Conscience Secretary agrees not to chare the contact list (male or female) with anyone that is not a member of the noon group.
- Group Conscience Secretary should check the group email box regularly (at least weekly) and respond to emails appropriately.
- Group Conscience Secretary should maintain three lists
- Group distribution list to disseminate group emails
- Male contact list
- Female contact list
- Group Conscience Secretary agrees not to share the Female Contact List with male members of the group
- Group Conscience Secretary agrees to run monthly Group Conscience calls. This includes adding items brought up by – members during the month.
- Group Conscience Secretary, or his/her designee, agrees to take minutes during Group Conscience calls.
- The Group Conscience Secretary should try to disseminate Group Conscience Minutes within one week after the Group Conscience
- The Group Conscience Secretary should try to disseminate minutes from the prior month and a draft agenda one week prior to the Group Conscience meeting
Process for Deviation from Expectations Regularly:
- If a member feels a Secretary is deviating from expectations regularly, s/he should contact the Group Conscience Secretary. If the member is not comfortable contacting the Group Conscience Secretary, s/he can contact any one of the Meeting Secretaries from the weekly calls, who will then contact the Group Conscience Secretary,
- The Group Conscience Secretary should contact the Meeting Secretary in question via email to let him/her know that concerns have been raised.
- The Group Conscience Secretary should include this as an agenda item in the following monthly Group Conscience Meeting.
- The Group Conscience can come up with one of the following as a resolution after a discussion in the Group Conscience Meeting
- Do Nothing
- Ask the Secretary to Step Down
- Ask the Secretary to continue but implement changes based on discussion
SA White Book (pgs. 173-176)
The Group
*The following material is taken from the SA Meeting Guide. Answers to many of the questions and issues often confronting new or established SA groups are suggested in this material. All members are urged to read what has proven to be of value in maintaining successful groups and good meeting quality.
The primary purpose of an SA group is “to carry its message to the sexaholic who still suffers” (Tradition 5). Traditionally, as with AA, any two or more sexaholics meeting for purposes of sexual sobriety by following the SA program may consider themselves an SA group, provided that as a group they have no affiliation with any outside enterprise or other fellowship and receive no outside support. The following are suggestions gained from our experience to date.
Starting the Group
1. Find a weekly meeting place and set the time. At first, this may be a private home or office, where anonymity and privacy can be assured. Churches are often willing to provide facilities. Check with churches and other organizations where other Twelve Step program meetings are held. Often such facilities are made available to other groups. Check with the SA Central Office.
2. Select a group secretary, treasurer, and literature chairperson. These are explained below. Members who accept these responsibilities serve the group; they do not govern, in accordance with Tradition Two.
3. Advise the SA Central Office of the name and phone number of the secretary and an alternate contact and meeting particulars. Each SA group should have at least one contact and one backup contact for the SA Central Office for referrals. Advise Central Office of changes.
Should have successful sexual sobriety; length of that sobriety should be agreed upon by the group conscience. Suggested term of office is six months or a year, although each group is autonomous and may hold elections whenever it wishes. Rotating leadership is best. Secretary’s responsibilities include:
1. Selects a person or sees to it that a person is there to lead each meeting and provides that person with meeting format and literature. A good idea is to select the leader a week in advance.
2. Is responsible for the meeting place and notifying members.
3. Maintains communications with SA Central Office and notifies it of any changes.
4. Maintains communication with other nearby SA groups and SA as a whole. Announces SA conventions and get-togethers.
5. Sees to it that the Essay newsletter is available to all members. Each member may also ask to be placed on the Essay mailing list.
6. Handles necessary correspondence and phone calls or delegates these.
7. Calls business or group-conscience meetings.
8. Seeks to incorporate the principles of our Twelve Traditions into the spirit and activities of the group.
Should have successful sobriety; length of that sobriety should be agreed upon by the group conscience. Same term of office as secretary. Responsibilities include:
1. Is custodian and disburser of money received by passing the basket at meetings. Collections are usually counted and recorded by the treasurer and one other member.
2. Keeps detailed accounts of group’s finances and reports on this at business meetings.
3. When directed by the group, sends regular group contribution to SA Central Office for national and world services. The fellowship has evolved a means of supporting its world services that is working. Individual groups, either at every meeting or on a regular basis, pass the basket around a second time, the proceeds of which go entirely to support the SA Central Office. Some groups have the policy that a certain percentage of excess money left over after paying all group expenses be sent regularly to the Central Office. All groups are urged to develop some means of contributing a share in our expanding worldwide Twelfth Step work. Such contributions support the work of the Central Office. SA is totally self-supporting.
4. All member contributions to Sexaholics Anonymous are tax-deductible, since SA is a nonprofit, exempt organization as registered with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. For countries other than U.S.A., check appropriate ordinances.
Literature Chairperson
Orders literature from the SA Central Office and from A.A. Sees to it that meetings always have a supply of Sexaholics Anonymous, the SA brochure, Recovery Continues, and whatever other SA literature is available, such as Essay and Discovering the Principles. AA literature is the only non-SA material used in meetings. (See the article “Meeting Quality and Use of Non-SA Literature” in Discovering the Principles.)
Steering Committee
This is a means for handling the group or inter-group business and policy matters in groups large enough to have one. Service on this committee, like most SA responsibilities, is on a rotating basis. All of the group officers are usually included on the steering committee, with as many other members added as needed. The steering committee serves the group or groups by providing a convenient experienced cross-section of sober group membership to take care of group(s) functioning.
Other Positions
Some groups may find it convenient to have refreshment, setup, and cleanup committees. Some groups operate well with only a secretary and treasurer. The members of the group decide the service structure it needs.
Additional References: