About Us
Web Site Policy
The purpose of this web site is:
- To serve the fellowship of Sexaholics Anonymous.
- To serve as a resource for S.A. members in a timely fashion.
- To provide accurate and consistent information about
Sexaholics Anonymous Phone Meetings.

- To provide information about services and activities
provided by the S.A. Central Office.
- To encourage participation of S.A. members, groups and
committees in S.A. services and activities.
- To be self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
To that end, we offer an ecommerce alternative using secure
"Paypal" instead of physically passing the basket
at teleconference meetings.
Our committee is made up of a group of people who take on
the responsibility of managing this website. We meet regularly
to make decisions about the direction of the SAPhoneMeeting
website and have a mixture of skills to be able to meet his/her
responsibilities. By getting involved we want to give something
back to SA and support a good cause.
SA members 365 days/year via teleconference all over the globe
Attend a live Sexaholics Anonymous teleconference meeting
with others around the world who are seeking sobriety. SA
began in 1979. The phone meetings began in 2004.
This website originated on April 13, 2009 out of mere desperation
from a fellow SA member who believed in carrying the message,
to help himself stay sober. Our singleness of purpose is to
aid in providing timely and accurate information to the newcomer,
as well as existing members of Sexaholics Anonymous. "I
am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,
I want the hand of S.A. always to be there. And for that:
I am responsible."
The phone meetings have experienced tremendous growth and
structure improvements. Below are some of the highlights:
- Popularity of the Internet
Averaging 6,000 hits/month in 2009 and over 30,000 hits/month
in 2010
More Info: Statistics
| New Mtg Survey
| Census
- On 11/1/11, it was decided that we switch to a more reliable
vendor because the phone lines were very unpredictable.
The primary access phone line was busy many times or went
down all together. Thus, people were unable to connect for
a meeting and it was very confusing.
- Updates to phone system:
781-222-0034, 13mtgs in 2004 | Original
623-218-1094, 32 mtgs in 2008 | Flyer
218-339-3505, 4/2009 | Flyer
712-338-8720, 5/2009 | Flyer
712-432-5620, 7/2012
858-200-4900 changed to 605-475-6700, 7/20/2012
218-339-2699 changed to 267-507-0400, 8/21/2013
- History of new meetings and date they started:
9:05 PM ET Sunday "Fetishes" topic meeting (inception
6:30 AM GMT Daily Sobriety Renewal in UK (inception '09)
12:00 PM ET Daily Discussion (inception 7/13/09)
9:05 PM ET Friday Discussion (inception 12/17/09)
10:15 PM ET Daily Reflections (inception 12/17/09)
8:00 PM ET Saturday Women Only (inception 4/28/10)
8:00 AM ET Daily Discussion (inception 6/6/10)
7:30 PM ET Tue, Wed & Thu (inception 10/1/10)
6:25 AM ET "Next 24" DSR (inception 2/1/11)
3:00 PM ET Sun Women Only (inception 6/12/11)
9:05 PM ET Sat Mixed Discussion (inception 3/1/12)
7:00 PM GMT Wednesday Skype (inception 5/1/12)
9:30 AM & 12:00 PM GMT Thursday Skype (inception 5/1/12)
7:00 AM ET Beginner Step 712-432-0600 61-2034 (inception
9:00 PM ET Sun Men w/Same Sex Attraction (inception 8/21/2013)
- Ever wonder how a group phone call should be run? Fortunately,
our SA Phone Meetings have matured tremendously over the
years and there has been significant improvement with the
professionalism and manner in which these teleconference
calls are managed.
- Daily Sobriety Renewal is not the same as a conventional
meeting. We read a series of questions together. We please
ask all callers to limit their shares, so everyone has an
opportunity to answer the list of questions. Our real goal
is to hear the question and say yes in our hearts, and respond
with one or two sentences.
- Follow the normal guidelines of regular meetings. Phone
meetings are Not intended to replace face-to-face
meetings. Please attend local meetings, get a sponsor, and
work the steps! You can find many local face-to-face meetings
on our Links page
or visit SA.org.
- There should always be a facilitator and/or someone to
help secretary the teleconference. If you login early and
hear music, please be patient until others join. If necessary,
you may be asked to help lead the call and take down a list
of names in an orderly fashion. If you are new to the "phone
bridge", we recommend listening to others share to
get an idea of the style.
- There are many calling plans available that offer competitive
long-distance rates. We recommend Skype using VOIP. Another
feature that has made these phone meetings very affordable
is using the "Friends & Family" feature through
Verizon which allows for unlimited minutes.
7th Tradition
"Every SA group ought to be fully self-supporting,
declining outside contributions."
Our Website committee would like to remind you that
the primary means of sustaining the development of SAPhoneMeeting
is via contributions by users such as yourself. SAPhoneMeeting
is now and will continue to be totally free; however, it takes
money and resources to make SAPhoneMeeting available. if you
are able, please consider donating to the SAPhoneMeeting Project.
Click the "Donate" icon to give
This website costs over $84.00 per year.
Additional donations go to SAICO. If you enjoy this
resource, please consider donating to help support the
fellowship and continue to carry the message to the
still sick and suffering Sexaholic. Please
Here to visit our financial reports. If you have
any questions or concerns, please send an email to info@saphonemeeting.org |