These settings are essential to guarding against unwanted interruptions during meetings. Intergroup’s Web & Tech committee highly recommends using these settings. Once you update them, they will be set each time you conduct a meeting. Each group is autonomous, so we suggest read to the end to see guidelines and considerations for an informed group conscience.

Zoom Client

Don’t attempt to host the meeting from a smart phone or iPad. Use a PC or Mac. Not all functions may be available or easy to find on a mobile device.

Mute Participants

This is a critical setting. To eliminate interruptions, you must disable the ability of the attendees to unmute themselves. Here are the steps to properly Mute All:

  1. Click Manage Participants at the bottom of the Zoom Screen
  2. At the bottom of the Participants pane, Click Mute All
  3. On the Mute All applet that appears uncheck “Allow participants to unmute themselves”. This is critical.
  4. Click Continue

Now, all participants are muted. As the host and/or co-host, it’s your role to unmute and mute participants as needed. This means only one person can be speaking at a time.


The chat function can help participants communicate directly with the host/secretary. You need to set chat to only allow participants to chat directly with host only. Here are the steps to configure chat only to host:

  1. Click on Chat at the bottom of the Zoom screen
  2. Click the three dots in the right of the chat pane
  3. Under Participant Can Chat With: select “Host Only

This will allow participants to send chat messages to the host if needed. But, no one else can be contacted.

Share Screen

Screen sharing should be limited to only the host. This eliminates the possibility of sharing offensive material. Follow these steps to limit screen sharing:

  1. Click the down arrow to the right of the Share button on the bottom of the Zoom screen
  2. Click “Advanced Sharing Options…”
  3. On the Who can share? option, select “Only Host

Join Before Host

By default, participants can come into the meeting prior to the host. To avoid potentially disruptive participants, disable this feature.

  • Disable Join Before Host to keep users out before the host arrives. When “Join Before Host” is enabled, a troll can enter at anytime and no one has control to kick them out. Set this Zoom settings under ADMIN / Account Management / Account Settings / Meeting. Lock, if possible.

Virtual Background

Virtual background can be used to display offensive content. Disable this feature using the following steps.

  • Disable Virtual Background. Set this Zoom settings under ADMIN / Account Management / Account Settings / Meeting. Lock, if possible.

Optional Settings for Additional Security

Many of the optional settings are configured online in your Zoom profile. Go to to set these. Log into your account and go to My Account.

  • The Required Settings above settings can also be configured through your Zoom profile. If they are set in the Zoom account profile, they will apply to all meetings in Zoom. This may not work if this Zoom account is also used for work or non-fellowship meetings.
  • Co-Host: This feature allows the host or secretary to share the administrative duties of managing the Zoom meeting. One host can manage the normal meeting functions like readings and speakers, while the second host can manage participants. This is helpful if the primary host/secretary is not comfortable with Zoom or using online meetings. Set this Zoom settings under ADMIN / Account Management / Account Settings / Meeting.


  • Lock the meeting to prevent re-joining of removed participants.
    • Click Manage Participants at the bottom of the Zoom screen
    • At the bottom of the participants pane, click More
    • Click Lock Meeting

  • Enable the Waiting Room for your meeting. *Note: this is now a default setting in Zoom. You then play an active role choosing who to allow into the room through the participants list. Set this Zoom settings under ADMIN / Account Management / Account Settings / Meeting.

  • DisableFile Transfer to prevent trolls from sending files to the whole group. Set this Zoom settings under ADMIN / Account Management / Account Settings / Meeting. Lock, if possible.
  • Disable Annotation, Whiteboard and Remote Control. These features will likely never be needed in a meeting. No need to have these enabled. Set this Zoom settings under ADMIN / Account Management / Account Settings / Meeting. Lock, if possible.


  • Prevent participants from saving chats and disable private chats. Set this Zoom settings under ADMIN / Account Management / Account Settings / Meeting. Note that Private Chat is Locked. This will prevent it from being enable during the meeting by the host


  • Disable Recordings. Set this Zoom settings under ADMIN / Account Management / Account Settings / Recording. Lock, if possible.


  • Mask phone numbers. This will help protect anonymity and anyone being contact after the meeting. Set this Zoom settings under ADMIN / Account Management / Account Settings / Telephone. Lock, if possible.

How to Remove Disruptive Participants

Follow these steps to remove someone from the meeting:

  1. Click Manage Participants in the bottom of the Zoom client
  2. Hover over a participant and click More for these options
  3. Click “Remove”


Considerations For Your Group Conscience

You should discuss these settings with the group conscience. Some settings do make it more difficult to participate and some members may have issues with some. Here are some key decisions:

  • Waiting Room: This is an option that stages anyone in a waiting area when attempting to join. The host or co-host is required to allow participants into the meeting. The challenge is there may be participants who you do not know and could be completely innocent and may not be allowed in because they are not known.
  • Listing meeting on Baltimore Intergroup Virtual Meeting list: This is optional but helps us fulfil our 12th step duties by carrying the message. We encourage groups to post their meetings but practice proper “Zoom Hygiene” to avoid issues.
  • Use meeting passwords: This is now a default setting on Zoom when you create the meeting. It would need to be shared with the participants. We also ask that you share it with Baltimore Intergroup to keep safe and make available to people who call asking for a meeting.
  • Meeting Splash Screen: Create a “splash screen” to display meeting guidelines. This is shared from the host’s screen. It’s a one-page Word document with meeting info. (Intergroup can provide an example.)
  • Meeting Format: The safest way to run a Zoom meeting is a Round-Robin. This gives the meeting the control of calling on someone known in the meeting. The downside of this format is dial-in users are listed only as a phone number and may not be called on. This is a limitation some groups are willing to accept to keep the meeting safe.
  • Create a custom meeting script for the secretary. This format and structure is different to all of us. Make the transition as easy as possible on the secretary by drafting a script for the entire meeting.
  • Asking for “a burning desire” shares at the end of the meeting: While this is a nice gesture in a face-to-face meeting, it opens the group up to interruptions with online meetings. An alternative is for the host or co-host to make an announcement that they will stay on the Zoom meeting until all participants have left. If someone needs to talk, ask them to stay until all others have left.
  • When to Mute All: Some groups leave everyone unmuted until the meeting starts. This allows for some fellowshipping before the meeting.